Mrs. Protz's 2nd Grade Class 2010-2011

S.T.A.R. Binder Information


 I am so excited about the S.T.A.R. Binders.  The letters stand for Students Taking Academic Responsibility.  I have been using them for the last couple of years and they were a huge success.  It is nice having everything in one convenient place.  

 Features of the Classroom Binder include:
·        Notes for Parents or Mrs. Protz (This front pocket is where we will send notes to each other.)
·        Weekly Classroom Newsletter from Mrs. Protz (You will get one every Monday or the first day of the week.)
·        Homework Page Protector (This is where your child should put all homework - including math pages from their workbook, weekly fluency passages, and the reading log.)
·        Spelling Page Protector (This section will have paper for spelling practice at school and home.)
·        Math Page Protector (This section will have a math practice book.)
·        Behavior Page Protector (The Weekly Behavior Chart will be updated weekly, usually on Friday.)
·        Graded Papers (The pocket in the very back of the homework binder will hold your child’s weekly Graded Papers, and includes the Weekly Behavior Chart.)

* PLEASE leave this page in the front of this binder for future reference.  Sometimes binders are dropped, or we forget what goes in a particular section, and this will help us have a reference.

I have tried to make the Classroom Binders both easy and well organized for your child, you, and me.  These binders should make everything easier for all of us.  Please help your child by checking his/her binder nightly.  However, try to help teach him/her to be responsible for giving it to you and returning to his/her backpack.  It is important that you know up front that:  Homework Binders that are left at home or school will result in –5 Conduct points for responsibility AND 0/F for each assignment not turned in on time.  By teaching our children to be responsible, they will be better adults when they grow up.  And, it will make our lives easier too.  J

 I cannot tell you how much I truly enjoy being a teacher and trying to help your child become the best he/she can during the short time that he/she is in our classroom.  As always, please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.  Thank you for sharing your precious children with me.

Thank you,

Mrs. ProtzJ

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